Seth PaineDecember 18, 2015

Marcus Grodi and Gary Michuta talk about the importance of the Deuterocanonical Books of the…
Seth PaineNovember 19, 2015
Marcus Grodi and Jim Anderson look at passages of Christ that many Christians have ignored…
Seth PaineNovember 18, 2015

Paul Thigpen, a member of The Coming Home Network, joins Marcus Grodi this week to…
Seth PaineNovember 5, 2015

Marcus Grodi and Jim Anderson talk more about what it means for scripture passages to…
Seth PaineOctober 29, 2015

Member of the CHNetwork and prominant Catholic apologist, Patrick Madrid joins us to share a…
Seth PaineOctober 22, 2015

Marcus Grodi looks at a violent event in the Old Testament and an example of…
Seth PaineOctober 15, 2015

Deep in Scripture Podcast is returning with a new series entitled “Hard Verses”! We believe that…
Seth PaineOctober 8, 2015
How does Saint Paul, as apostle and missionary bishop, warn the Christians in Rome (where…
Seth PaineMay 14, 2015